
back to school tunes

Back to school is such a bummer but i thought i'd give you my happy songs to make you feel better!
The majority of my song choices are pretty mainstream but i won't apologise because i love love love them.
one: the AM album as a whole is brill but i particularly like Knee Socks
five: again, the whole Hozier almbum is amazing but I'm loving Jackie & Wilson and Angel of small death & the codeine scene
six: omen, such a groovy song omg
seven: a classic from last year - sonnentanz
eight: no better by Lorde gives me  memories of the summer days, it better to accept summers over rather than be in denial
nine: sun by Two Door Cinema Club, another oldie
ten: another is waiting by the avett brothers


summer hol newbies

heyyyyy! I'm actually still alive although this might come as a shock to you because i seem to have fallen off the face of the earth recently but i have a valid excuse- summer hols. Over the time of my absence, i have gathered lots of new buys and thought i'd share their loveliness with you!

one: a laaavely group shot of my new members to the family
two: Lush Herbalism face wash, i live off this stuff- its a mixture of nettles and herbs etc. and it balances out the oils in your face so you keep just the right amount to be healthy and its v v v gentle on your skin
three: nike janoskis, i bought these from my current FAVE app called Depop which is a platform for buying and selling absolutely anything and everything. I got them through this app but from a friend of mine who conveniently has a great sense in shoe style and also big feet like me
four: another Depop purchase (obsessed was no exaggeration my friend). I searched for 'oversized denim jacket and found this straight away and fell in love! & it was only £12! its actually not a brand I've heard of before and i can't find it anywhere soryyyyyyyy
five: two charity shop books (The Girl Next Door and My Sister's Keeper). i'm really into charity shops at the moment, especially for books because i don't feel bad about breaking the spine because someones done it for me!
five: another charity shop buy of a plain black phone case. if we ignore the crack on my screen then i thought it looked quite cool and also made my phone feel heavier which is good because its so light that sometimes i forget i'm holding it and ummmm drop it as shown...

hope your hols have been full of lovely inexpensive finds and laughs and happiness!

Now Playing: Jackie and Wilson- Hozier