
The Dream Of Life

hello, i know it's been a while but i just had something that i thought you should definitely take a minute to watch.

I've been extremely caught up with mocks and revision etc. at the moment and this completely took away from that, it almost brought a tear to my eye.

The Dream Of Life (click to watch)

That's all for now, keep smiling:)


back to school tunes

Back to school is such a bummer but i thought i'd give you my happy songs to make you feel better!
The majority of my song choices are pretty mainstream but i won't apologise because i love love love them.
one: the AM album as a whole is brill but i particularly like Knee Socks
five: again, the whole Hozier almbum is amazing but I'm loving Jackie & Wilson and Angel of small death & the codeine scene
six: omen, such a groovy song omg
seven: a classic from last year - sonnentanz
eight: no better by Lorde gives me  memories of the summer days, it better to accept summers over rather than be in denial
nine: sun by Two Door Cinema Club, another oldie
ten: another is waiting by the avett brothers


summer hol newbies

heyyyyy! I'm actually still alive although this might come as a shock to you because i seem to have fallen off the face of the earth recently but i have a valid excuse- summer hols. Over the time of my absence, i have gathered lots of new buys and thought i'd share their loveliness with you!

one: a laaavely group shot of my new members to the family
two: Lush Herbalism face wash, i live off this stuff- its a mixture of nettles and herbs etc. and it balances out the oils in your face so you keep just the right amount to be healthy and its v v v gentle on your skin
three: nike janoskis, i bought these from my current FAVE app called Depop which is a platform for buying and selling absolutely anything and everything. I got them through this app but from a friend of mine who conveniently has a great sense in shoe style and also big feet like me
four: another Depop purchase (obsessed was no exaggeration my friend). I searched for 'oversized denim jacket and found this straight away and fell in love! & it was only £12! its actually not a brand I've heard of before and i can't find it anywhere soryyyyyyyy
five: two charity shop books (The Girl Next Door and My Sister's Keeper). i'm really into charity shops at the moment, especially for books because i don't feel bad about breaking the spine because someones done it for me!
five: another charity shop buy of a plain black phone case. if we ignore the crack on my screen then i thought it looked quite cool and also made my phone feel heavier which is good because its so light that sometimes i forget i'm holding it and ummmm drop it as shown...

hope your hols have been full of lovely inexpensive finds and laughs and happiness!

Now Playing: Jackie and Wilson- Hozier


picnics and pedalos

taken on - Canon EOS 40D 

This was a few weeks ago but i just found the pictures and couldn't resist sharing! We had rented a beach hut for the day and were unsure whether we were going to embark on the beach day because due to Britain being, well, Britain, the weather wasn't looking that great. But in the spirit of summertime we went anyway and to our surprise, had to swap jumpers and raincoats for suncream! It was a really lovely day spent well with picnics and pedalos. It felt like a reward for being strong willed and braving the British summer! It was made all the more special having spent it with friends and family. The photos (apart from the last, which was taken by me!) were taken by my lovely Mum who has the full details of the day on her blog and it would mean the world if you could pop over for a look :))


sunset rainbow

taken on- Canon EOS 40D

Photography is one of the many things that i love to do, however i don't like it organised. I'm the sort of person to take a picture when i see something that looks good and would look even better on camera. Last night, just while i was shutting my blinds, i saw the colour of the sky and couldn't ignore it. I grabbed my camera, sprinted downstairs and ran to my favourite sunset photo opportunity spot. These are the results! To my surprise, when i got down there there was a full rainbow but it was so massive that it wouldn't fit in my lens. It was so stunning that i had to just stand and watch for a few minutes in awe, nature really is beautiful.


50 facts about me

1) my name is Millie
2) this is not short for anything, boring- i know  
3) i have two middle names
4) these are Rose and Ryerson
5) i'm spreading out these facts already
6) these aren't very interesting facts
7) i love all water sports 
8) with the exception of sailing (scared off by injuries)
9) i love English lessons much to the confusion of my friends
10) i also love school (i'm not geeky, hand on heart)
11) i forgot to mention that i'm the one on the right
12) on the left is Catherine
13) she's one of my favourite people
14) she did not sponsor this
15) i like netflix
16) actually i love it
17) i watched all of Gossip Girl in about a month
18) now i'm speeding through Pretty little Liars
19) i'm actually unhealthily addicted to mocha 
20) this is because i'm scared of strong coffee and love chocolate
21) i'm not even half way and running out of facts
22) i'm 15 
23) that was quite an important one
24) these aren't in order of importance because i'm too forgetful for that
25) HALF WAY yippee
26) i love humous   
27) both of my parents have worked in TV
28) therefore i am a very dramatic child
29) this is also because i attended stagecoach at the age of 3 
30) no, i don't really like acting at all
31) i can be quite sarcastic           
32) i have braces 
33) they're coming off in just over a week         
34) i'm head over heels in love with thelifeofedie's blog
35) i eat too much sugar and not enough fruit
36) i really love rowing
37) i have a confusing family
38) my full sister is called Clover 
39) my two half sisters are called Ariel and Flora
40) i am the only non- branded sibling
41) this is actually easier than i thought
42) i love festivals
43) i once stood 1m away from Steve Backshall and was too scared to say hello
44) my fave childhood programme was prank patrol on CBBC before it turned Aussie
45) i like to take photographs 
46) but always forget to take my canon then get annoyed at iPhone pic quality
47) i have no idea what i want to do when i'm older
48) i'm tall but everyone's catching up with me
49) my mac is surgically attached to me
50) i'm feeling v. proud that i just wrote 50 facts about me


Introducing Millie Rose

hey lovely!
My name is Millie and this is my first ever blog post (and it’s quite scary). I would firstly like to introduce myself and explain a few things:
1) I am at the young and free age of 15 and oblivious of all other people but myself
2) I have started this blog because of my on going love of english and as a memory bank to look back and cringe at in ten years time as this frequently happens in films and it looks fun
3)To safely get all of my opinions down without slamming (as many) doors and getting hot tempered as I seem to be worryingly good at these.
So this is my hello to blogging- dreaming and wishing to make new friends, enjoy new experiences and create new memories!